Meet Kevin P. Nix, RFC®

Choosing the right financial advisor may be the most important decision of your life. When making the decision two words you must weigh are TRUST and OBJECTIVITY.

Financial planners are required by law to help you make decisions that are best for you, but does that mean you really trust them? Financial advisor, Kevin P. Nix has worked to create a trust bank over the past 23 years with hundreds of individual investors and small businesses. 

Objectivity is at the core of every decision Kevin makes. If something seems right to you or may be advantageous to him, Kevin takes the position of fair witness and will objectively lead you to the decision that will give you the financial freedom you require for now and in the years to come.

  • Do you wonder if you will ever have enough money to retire?
  • Do you want the freedom to live the life of your dreams while you can?
  • Are you retired and looking for a trusted advisor to guide you to smart decisions?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then you are well served to find a good financial advisor. Here is the first question you need to answer. Do you know your net worth statement? Can you right now equivocate your assets minus liabilities to say your true net worth?

We have provided a calculator to assess your net worth statement to get you started on the path to financial freedom. Let's do this together!